Entries by Jonathan Negretti

What Happens If My Dog Bites Someone in Arizona?

At Negretti & Associates, as dog bite lawyers, we are often asked by friends and family what to do if their dog bites someone in Arizona — one of the states where we practice law. While our law firm doesn’t do defense work, we thought it would be helpful to share some insights regarding Arizona […]

Arizona Dog Bite Laws Explained

Dogs are known as humankind’s best friend. But, unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Arizona recently ranked 10th in the nation in dog bite insurance claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute. In 2021 alone, 489 insurance claims due to dog bites were paid out in the Grand Canyon State. The average cost per claim […]

The Difference Between Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

What is the difference between uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage? Uninsured motorist coverage (“UM”) is designed to protect drivers and passengers if the at-fault driver in an accident does not carry automobile liability insurance coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage (“UIM”) is designed to protect drivers and passengers if the at-fault driver has insufficient automobile […]

What Is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

What is a wrongful death lawsuit? A wrongful death lawsuit is a civil lawsuit that alleges that the deceased was killed as a result of negligence, a wrongful action of the defendant, or neglect, and the surviving dependents or beneficiaries are entitled to monetary damages as a result of the defendant’s conduct. Who can file […]

Why Micromobility Safety Belongs in Driver Education

Will a Micromobility Exam Be Coming to DMV Near You? The emerging transportation category known as micromobility provides the missing link between personal vehicles and public transit. Often shared by riders on a rental basis, these devices — examples include e-bikes, electric scooters, mopeds, and electric skateboards seen everywhere from densely populated downtowns and college […]

Limited or Unlimited? Filing a California Civil Case with Multiple Plaintiffs

CM-010, the Civil Cover Sheet for all California cases, has a section where the filing party is asked to differentiate whether the case is “unlimited” or “limited.” Under the Unlimited box, CM-010 states, in parentheses, “amount demanded exceeds $25,000.” Below the Limited box, CM-010 offers a separate explanatory phrase, also in parentheses: “amount demanded is […]

Pedestrian Fatalities Are Rising. How Do We Stop Them?

In the past two weeks, less than two miles apart, two separate car crashes involving pedestrians occurred in Phoenix, Arizona. Tragically, both pedestrians involved in these accidents died as a result of their injuries. On January 29, 2022, Anthony Vasquez was hit and killed by a vehicle near 49th Street and Indian School Road. Vasquez […]